any venues are very busy during the daylight hours causing fish to cease feeding. When the lakes become quiet after dark, it can be a very fruitful time to fish. But it is important to be properly prepared to ensure that your overnight expedition doesn't become a miserable experience.
Let there be Light
Pack a couple of lights for your trip to prevent you from having to fumble around in the dark. You will then be able to locate equipment when you need it and to tie rigs. LED lights are the best choice as they deliver bright but concentrated light and you will benefit from improved battery life.
A head torch is a wise investment as it will enable you to work hands-free. Isotopes emit enough glow for quickly locating essential items. Some fishing equipment features recesses for fitting inexpensive isotopes which will last for years.
A twin skinned bivvy is the best choice in cold weather but on pleasant summer evenings, a brolly type shelter would be perfectly fine. Use robust screw type pegs to secure your shelter in windy conditions. You will need a bed chair to sleep on and don't forget to take a warm sleeping bag on chilly nights.
Bed chair Pouch
A bed chair pouch is a handy little accessory which fastens onto the chair frame via Velcro tabs. It provides zip up storage for those small items you definitely don't want to lose such as car keys, wallets, phone and baiting tools.
There's nothing more miserable than feeling hungry and parched. If you intend to set up for the night, take plenty of food and a flask of tea or coffee and/or the equipment you need to make a brew.
A single burner and a lightweight pot will do the job but make sure you have plenty of gas! Include drinking water and store food in a cool bag in hot weather. The cool bag will also come in handy for your frozen baits!
Terminal Tackle
It will make life easier and save you time if you organise your terminal tackle before you set off. Tie half a dozen rigs to take with you.
Using markers
It's hard to hit pre-baited areas accurately after dark so you will need a visual marker. Arrive in daylight or visit the venue in the day to choose a significant tree on the opposite bank to use as a marker.
Get Organised
Organise yourself before the sun goes down and it is much easier to sort out your swim with the benefit of the light. You can then sit quietly causing less disturbance from the bank and you will be ready for when the action starts. make sure that you are ready to land your fish as you don't want to be fumbling around at the crucial moment.
Raising the Alarm
You won't want to sleep through a good run! Remotes, tuned into your alarm frequencies, are an excellent choice. You can place them close to your head when you settle down and they'll wake you up if there is any action. Take an alarm clock or set the alarm on your phone to ensure that you wake at sunrise to enjoy prime fishing time.
The Best Bait
Carp rely on their sense of smell after dark so it's good to enhance your bait to suit. You could also consider using artificial corn which glows in the dark! Don't leave bait on the floor because the rats will move in and pinch it! You can use a bucket as long as it has a lid but storing your bait above the ground is a better option.
Emergency Kit
Accidents can and do happen! A small emergency kit is good to have. All you require is plasters, antiseptic cream, insect repellent and sun block. Take your phone in case you need to call for help. Dial 112 if you don't have a signal as this will connect you via another network's signal to reach the emergency services.
Spares and Repairs
Take spare baiting tools with you. It is wise to carry a few spare batteries too. If the weather is against you, don't leave home without a spare set of clothes. Include a small tube of superglue and some electrician's tape in your tackle box for carrying out basic bankside repairs.